Thursday, June 19, 2008

I am beautiful

The hardest thing to say sometimes.
I went to a women's retreat on the weekend and we had to first say to the person next to us "You are beautiful." Easy Peasy!
Then we had to say "I am beautiful"Not so easy.
We have become conscious of the world view instead of the spiritual view of beauty.
My hands may be spotty ,my body sagging etc etc but I am going to practise in front of the mirror."I am beautiful"
I am reminded of the story of Snow White.
"Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all"
I think we sometimes see the ugliness there instead.
We have an inner beauty that we need to let shine.
Shine on.


Jo said...

Oh yes... it is indeed the hardest thing to say to yourself as a woman. You know what the Lord convicted me of last year? Lucifer was the most beautiful angel in all of heaven before he was cast out; loosing his beauty as Satan, he has and will forever hold an wild hatred towards Women, for we are all created with an oracle of beauty within us. Since he is jealous of our beauty, he doesn't want us to believe that we are beautiful. Thus the never-ending life of "you're not beautiful" etc.

It's just so encouraging to have you, a beautiful woman, bringing this topic to light.
Bravo, dear friend!!

Victoria (Vii) said...

Very Convicting! Thank you for sharing this with us all.. for we all NEED to hear it!

Michelle Gregory said...

A resounding "Amen" to what Jo said. I'm convinced that the enemy has a special hatred towards women - because we reflect God's beauty and because we bring life in many forms, not just in the physical birthing of children, but also the birthing and nurturing of relationships.

So, believe that you are beautiful.

Kay Martin said...

Beautiful. From our mouths we each come to "know" we are beautiful. Strong gentleness through God's love and our appreciation of Him in us frees us to love and care for others. Then we no longer become so intense on self preservation.

In our time Mother Teresa used the word "beautiful" more than anyone I'm aware of. To me she was utterly beautiful...wrinkles and all.

I love the fact that she prayed for God to distract the media when she died with something that would be more news worthy than her life and death. She died near the same time as Princess Diana.

Ummmmmm beautiful. Yes, I am beautiful and so are you....and every day in the Lord we grow more beautiful because He is so gracious and generous.

Love your blog.........keep writing. The slivers will come together at the right moment and reflect great light in dark places.