Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A leopard can change its spots

Last year I was drawn to the leopard as a symbol of my journey and walk in life .
Today when I viewed mermaid musing on post "Celebration" the mermaid tail all in leopard print reminded me of my journey of self discovery.

Me as leopard can change spots.
Leopards are bold, beautiful and courageous.
I relate this to assertiveness and a sureness of self.
I can change myself and be adaptable,
I do not need to be stuck in a mould that others put me into,
I can be free.
Statements from others cannot get through my fur,
I can hunt for what I need.
I am still loving and protective,
I do not allow myself to be tamed, but can be wild,
in the sense of responding and listening to my intuition.
I see myself as a rainbow leopard,
But have many wardrobe changes as need arises.
I choose the spots.

This is what I work towards in my life and there are so many wonderful spots.


couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

You are so loving!!!!
you are making me cry!
you are so sweet and kind to me!
Yes!!! Leopards are bold, beautiful and courageous.
and yes rainbow leopard are FABULOUS! your wonderful spots are the best!
Bless your heart!

Thora said...

Carmen you have many wonderful tails which shows your creativity and diversity.We seek to go beyond our comfort zone.Thankyou for prompting my memory and reminding me of the leopard in me.