Monday, May 5, 2008

Reflections on a cup.

Michelle tagged me so here goes in the next blog.

While I am here I will tell you about yesterday when I was with my journalling group.
We decided to write about our drinking cups.Initially it was to write why we chose the colour but I reflected on what a cup means to me.

A cup is more than a vessel to drink from.
It is a reminder that we all have a cup of life.
We need to look into our cups and see what is there
There is more than tea and coffee to ponder on......
Sometimes our cup is full
Sometimes our cup is empty
Sometimes it is ½ way
Sometimes too hot to touch
Sometimes to cold to touch.
All the happenings of our life
Reflect in there
Twirl and swirl for our attention
Enjoy and learn from what is there.

How do you feel about your cup of life?


couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

I am totally enjoying and learning what it is in there.
Thank you for asking! and very lovely to meet you!
Carmen the mermaid

Anonymous said...

How do you feel about your cup of life?


Thora said...

Yes.It is great to hear you are enjoying your cups. My cup is a beautiful rainbow colour and I do not have to wait for the gold.Gold is my contct with others and the beauty around me and God in my life.